Posted on 2024-07-26 by Matt.
Neovim User Manual - Search Commands And Patterns
Search for word under cursor
Jump to next, prev search
Put word under cursor into search command (or other command)
Substitue last search with something_else
incsearch or :h incsearch
Incrementally show where the pattern matches in the buffer
" vimscript
set incsearch
-- lua
vim.go.incsearch = true
hlsearch or :h hlsearch
Highlight all matches when there is a search pattern.
" vimscript
set hlsearch
-- lua
vim.go.hlsearch = true
Clear those highlighted searches when you are tired of looking at them
Cycle through previous searches
/ <C-p>
/ Up
/ <C-n>
/ Down
Open command-line window with search history